May: National Physical Activity Month

May is National Physical Activity Month

May is National Physical Activity Month and- with so much time at home lately- is perfect motivation for YOU to get into regular exercising and a wonderful excuse for US to highlight positive eating habits too!
The workouts you see in this picture can be found on our website, under the “Blog” tab and then under “Protected: Workouts”. They are do-anywhere, with or without weights kind of workouts! Especially if you find an instructor whose style fits yours, all of our workouts can be adjusted to what you have available at home. If you are interested in gaining access to these password-protected, fun workouts, contact us at the email address listed below. We offer…
- Strength and Core (dumbbells, bodyweight, or any heavy household items work! Click on the link for access to an awesome chair workout one of our instructors taught!)
- Cardio (HIIT, bodyweight or machine, low-impact or high-impact variations!)
- Bootcamp, Barre, and Yoga! All tailored to make you comfortable at home.
Stay tuned next week for information on colorful eating and how influential diet is in your fitness journey. We also have a “Nutrition and Meal Plans” tab on our blog page!
Guidance ~ Consistency ~ Growth ~ Self-esteem ~ Purpose
Find your optimal well-being with us here at Balanced Wellness. We’re here to offer you resources for exercise, nutrition, and wellness– encompassing everything you need to stay healthy during this uncertain time. Email us at or check out our other blogs!