Spirituality (Purpose)

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Like we mentioned last week, changes don’t happen overnight! But with guidance and consistency you will find that it’s easier to get started and continue making healthy choices. When we say that consistency is key, we mean it– healthy habits turn into lifestyle changes and long-term lifestyle change is where we discover optimal well-being.

In moving forward, we will tackle resistance training and its link to a happier and healthier...

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Remember the 3 M’s to engage your mind and body, promote emotional well-being, and support your mental health.

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Updated November 28, 2023.

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It’s a new year! We hear (and mumble to ourselves) “new year, new me;” “time to start over;” and other creative little quips that are meant to inspire but often fall short of sustaining our motivation. How can we take small steps to make big changes?

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The summer months bring change – change in the weather, schedules, environment... just a lot of change. The change that comes along with all seasonal shifts can bring anxiety, uneasiness, even frustration. Yet, it also provides a time for growth – a time to learn more about who you are, how you react to life, and ways you can create more of what you want!

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Life's biggest and most constant juggling act: finding balance. The delicate equilibrium between work and play, growth and contentment, and other dynamic aspects of our lives is essential for our overall well-being. As the seasons change, summer presents a unique opportunity to cultivate balance in every dimension of our lives. It's a time to reflect on our purpose and values, prioritize relationships, and nurture our physical and mental...

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Chances are, if you have set a goal that requires you to get out of your comfort zone, you have, at some point, said one of the two following statements: “I need help getting motivated, “ or “I just can’t stay motivated.” The fact is motivation is a feeling, and just like you can move from sadness one moment to contentment the next, motivation is fleeting. So before we continue, we hope knowing that will allow you to release any of the...


It is not uncommon for someone to seek advice on how to “target train” a specific area of their body with the main intention of reducing fat/losing inches in that area. The challenge is science does not actually support this as a legitimate strategy. The extra focus can absolutely strengthen the muscles, but it cannot target the fat that specifically surrounds the muscle. So instead of “target training,” a more effective strategy for...


What are your first thoughts that come to mind when you read that Monday, July 12th is National Simplicity Day? Did you think about going through your closet, your bookshelves, or clearing off your kitchen counter? Maybe you thought about what it would be like to say “no” to events and gatherings or extra tasks. The point is, we usually do not have a shortage of areas in our life that could use a little simplifying. And National...


Stress. We all experience it. It is a part of our physiological design – how we respond as a whole being to a demand, threat, or change in our lives. But because we all experience things throughout life differently, we can experience stress differently, as well. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Stress can make our bodies aware of a potential threat (i.e. the fight or flight response – does a particular situation warrant reaction or...


Willpower Doesn’t Work!

We live in a world where unhealthy foods such as sugary snacks and drinks are readily kept in most households. They are quick and often what we crave when we don’t have time to fix a healthier option. When trying to eat healthier and change our diets, we often have the mentality that we can use our willpower to avoid those unhealthy options by replacing them with a healthier one that we also have in...


An attitude of gratitude makes for a happy heart, but it also has proven physical benefits. Our blood pressure drops, levels of the stress hormone cortisol decrease, our immune system improves, we have less aches and pains, our sleep is more efficient, and our heart health improves by reducing the inflammation and helping our heart rhythm.

Our behaviors are often impacted by a grateful heart too! We tend to manage our emotions more...


Positive Mindset!

We previously shared that positivity can reduce your risk of death from a heart attack and stroke by 39% and 38% respectively. Dr. Trello goes on to discuss how a negative emotion or attitude can produce stress hormones and a possible increase in blood pressure. High blood pressure has often been called the silent killer. (High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer”, 2017) Good news – high blood pressure...


Purpose and Well-being

February is a great time to focus on the heart, both physically and emotionally. There are definite correlations between emotional well-being and our physical heart health.

  • A sense of purpose decreases your risk of a myocardial incidence by 27%.(Doran, Resnick, Kim, & McCormick, 2017; 31(1))
  • Gratitude can change your perception of well-being. (AHA, 2020)
  • Gratitude can reduce...

Check your mindset: The POWER of Not Yet

So far this month we have:

  • Given you 7 tips to achieve a positive mindset.
  • Discussed positive affirmations.
  • Talked about using yoga to stay present and positive.

This week, we would like to focus on the growth of your mindset. But first, let’s check in and see how you are doing by asking yourself a few questions: Have you initiated any...


Last week we shared 7 Tips to Work Towards a Positive Mindset. Let’s dig a little deeper and look at the first tip: Start the day with a positive affirmation.

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Happy New Year

Have you set health and wellness goals year after year to abandon them by March?

We want to help you reach and sustain your goals.


We bring value to your organization…what do you value?

Balanced Wellness LLC believes well-being begins with ‘core values’ (what you believe is important in life). When looking for deep engagement from our employees, one of the best strategies we can implement is having talent that aligns with our organizational core values. We spend such a large amount of our time at work – we must agree with the values of our...

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We can add affirmations to our daily routine to encourage us and provide emotional support.

A positive affirmation can change our mindset.


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  • Motivation:
  • ‘Reason for Doing Something’
  • Balanced Wellness strives to inspire individuals to
  • Achieve Their Optimal Well-Being

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Six Weeks to Sixty

Up for the challenge. Allow me to share my journey into the next decade of my life with you. I hope the lessons I share touch each of you no matter your age, 20 years to 80 years old – the journey to a purposeful, joyful life lived with vitality is ongoing. So many lessons are learned and relearned for me through athletic events. SO….I chose to do a Bucket List Event in...

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As we mentioned in our last post, the expectations and standards of employee wellness are changing. What was once seen as a program implemented to merely help with health claims containment is now becoming an essential and expected part of a benefits package. In an effort to meet these expectations and make wellness programs more holistic and total...


With the New Year quickly approaching, Balanced Wellness is excited to introduce our new workshop A Resolution to Last. We believe this new approach to setting resolutions will help you to succeed. All the details of our new workshop may be seen...


Health benefits can be achieved by adding mindfulness to your daily practice. What is mindfulness? Meditation?

Meditation is the act of spending time in quiet thought – usually with purpose or intent. You might consider or ponder a reading, a thought, or reflect on something that brings you relaxation or joy. In general, mindfulness is being aware of the present without judgment or analysis of the situation. In...
